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Frequently asked questions


When a prospect lands on your website that has Live chat enabled, an operator greets them and engages them in a conversation with the goal of collecting their contact information and reason for contacting your firm. That information is then sent to you for immediate follow up.

We cover your website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year so you never miss a lead.

No, we have chat operators available 24/7/365 to greet and chat with your site visitors.

We ask different questions depending on the chat, but in general we are trying to get the basics of the visitor’s situation along with their contact information. Our main goal is conversion. We have a specific proven strategy to convert as many contacts as possible.

Once the chat is completed, we immediately send the chat transcript to you via email or text. We can also connect an active chat with your firm using live transfer or instant callback via phone when certain criteria set by you is met during a chat.

We usually have clients up and running within a few days of signing an agreement.

Liveforce differs from many flat fee chat services. Our pay for performance model means that you only pay if you receive a relevant opportunity/lead from our service. There is a one time activation fee that includes working with your webmaster to install Liveforce on your website. This involves installing code, matching the look/feel of Liveforce window to your website theme, getting the chat operators up to speed on your business, and setting up the following features:

  • Email & mobile sms distribution.
  • Analytics integration.
  • Live call transfer or liveforce callback.
  • 24/7 Spanish chat.
  • Text to chat.
  • Facebook messenger chat.


When a client signs up for Liveforce, we generate a piece of javascript code specifically for that client’s site. This code is unique and is tied to the client’s custom live chat graphics, client information, and information for the operators, all of which will be coordinated in advance with your account manager.

Copy the code and paste it into the HTML of a website component common to all the site’s pages such as the footer.

Once the code is added, the chat will be live and Liveforce operators will be ready to go. The first elements that will appear are two chat buttons that will automatically be positioned to drive the best results.

In addition to the chat buttons, a visitor will be presented with an invitation to chat after 15 seconds when they scroll down the page.

  • It must include contact information, name, phone/email.
  • It must fall within the practice areas listed on your site.
  • It must include a short summary of their situation.
  • It must be within your geographic area.

If you receive a chat that does not meet the criteria in FAQ #1, there are 2 ways to request credit:

  • Click the “Request No Fee” button at the bottom of the chat email.
  • Login to Liveforce lead portal and click the “Request Credit” tab.

Upon receiving the request we will review it and credit the chat when reasonable.

*Chat credit requests must be submitted within 7 days of receiving thechat.

Our policy is to forward all chats in which the person is seeking help. This way you will know the chat took place should the person attempt to contact you later. Also, we do not want a judgment call on our end to result in a missed opportunity for your practice. Finally, many of our clients like the opportunity to refer non-relevant cases to other colleagues. Non-relevant chats will not be billed to your account.

These are chats that without a doubt do not qualify as a legitimate chat that our operations team has preemptively no feed. Often times, these will be chats in which the person has previously contacted your business.

Please keep in mind that the number one objective in each chat is to create an opportunity for your practice. Our operators are trained to gather information about the person’s situation and how they would like to be contacted.

You will receive an invoice at the beginning of each month detailing all of the previous month’s chats.

There is always going to be a certain amount of delay and we believe most visitors understand this. Also, the time stamps are deceptive and not a true indication of the flow of the chat because it is not uncommon for a visitor or operator to type, erase and retype prior to sending the message to the recipient, causing it to appear as if there was a long delay. Each side is given a “typing indicator” allowing the other side to know that the other party is typing a reply.

Each chat takes place in real time. A chat is much more like a phone conversation than an email exchange and is therefore susceptible to spelling errors and typos. Most visitors who are familiar with live chat understand this.

The time stamps on the chat transcripts are Central Daylight Time (CDT). Once a chat is completed it is reviewed for quality and completeness, then the actual transcript is forwarded to the appropriate recipients within your firm, usually within 5 minutes or less.

We also provide a short summary at the top of the chat transcript that can help the firm quickly determine if the chat is urgent and needs an immediate response.

We recommend you contact the chat as soon as possible. Research has shown that when there is a delayed response to a chat the close ratio dramatically goes down. Also, we recommend adding each chat into a database. Even if the chat doesn’t become a client the first time around you never know who they know who might need your services. Our more successful clients make a habit of “reaching out” to all their prospects at least once a quarter. Whether it’s a newsletter, notifying them of a blog posting, or just to say hi. You may be shocked at how many new cases you get simply by reminding people of your services.

Gearing your company through an Innovative strategy